MUET ? ( Part 1)

Assalamualaikum and very good morning to you guys. So for today i'm going to talk in english okayyyy.Today i would like to talk about MUET. What did you guys know about MALAYSIAN UNIVERSITY ENGLISH TEST (MUET)? MUET basically is common exam that all student in Malaysia have to take, so they can continue their study in degree. 

Speaking Test (30 minutes)
Topic that may appear in Muet:
1. Health
2. Economic
3. Education
4. Science
5. Technology
6. Sport
7. Environment
8. Socio-cultural

Task A : Individual task
2minutes - preparation
2minutes - presentation

Format :
  1. Greet examiners and candidates. Introduce yourself.
  2. Repeat situation you're discussing.
  3. List out the main points you would like to discuss...
  4. Conclusion....
  5. Thank you
-Assalamualaikum and very good morning to my examiners and friends.
-To state situation task given/ According to the situation given/ To introduce the point of view/ In my opinion/ I believe that/ As well as we know/ 

Start: First/ My main point is/ The most importance factor/reasons/ 
Illustrate: Therefore/ According to/ This mean that/ 
Example: Such as/ For example/ To illustrate/ To give you an idea/ As an example/ 

-As conclusion/ To conclude/ Thus/ In a nutshell/ To sum up/ Overall/ Summing up/ In the end/ In summary/ To summarize

Task B: Group presentation
2minutes - preparation
10minutes - presentation

  1. Greet examiners and candidates
  2. Start the conversation with your point
  3. At least discuss 4 points
  4. Conclusion
  5. Thank you
-Assalamualaikum and very good morning to my examiners and friends.
-Let's me start our discussion/ Let's kickstart this discussion by starting with..../ Allow me to begin/ May i begin by saying/ I agree  that

Start: First/ My main point is/ The most importance factor/reasons/ 

Illustrate: Therefore/ According to/ This mean that/ 

Example: Such as/ For example/ To illustrate/ To give you an idea/ As an example/ 

Interrupt: Thank you candidate....i agree with your point of view/ excuse me, i not agree with your point/ Allow me to interrupt/ To interrupt

Give opinion: In my opinion, _ is the best way / the most effective strategy because _ I think that/ I believe that/ It seems to me that/ I am certain that/ From my point of view, _ is

Ask opinion: what do you think of/ do you have anything to add/ what do you have to say/ candidate, what do you think the best way/

To end the discussion: Let’s conclude our discussion/ Let’s end our Task B. In conclusion, we have decided that/ To conclude this discussion let’s look back at the choices that we have … Our choice is … That is all from us. Thank you.

-Let’s conclude our discussion/ Let’s end our Task B. In conclusion, we have decided that/ To conclude this discussion let’s look back at the choices that we have … Our choice is....That is all from us. Thank you/ 

Tips for speaking test MUET:

- Never silent
- keep talking
- Focus when other candidates are present. their points may give you ideas for task B.
- Understand and read the situation/ problem given carefully ( you can ask the examiner if you does not understand about question)
- Do not run out of topic
- Take note of other candidates point
- Prepare at least 2/3 points
- Watch your time 
- Do not shy
- If your friend silent ( task B ) ask her/ him. 
- if you want to interrupt the conversation (task B), please be polite

References used in this post such as 1

For next post i am going to post about listening, reading and writing test tips and also about my experience in MUET. So guys pray for me because i am going to have MUET exam next monday. I love you guys :)

Thank for the support
